Should Have Been More Discreet?

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI am apparently a part of a massive math book smuggling scam. In order to save $40, I returned the book I bought at my campus bookstore. Instead, I bought a book from What the seller didn't tell me was that I had ordered the "International Edition." When the book came in, I realized the difference but I didn't worry too much about it. All of the problems and examples were the same. What was the difference?

Well, I still don't know what the difference is but I did find this label:
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I'm hoping "the man" isn't reading my blog because I could be in trouble for some reason. And while he's searching my room he'll see that I removed the tag from my mattress.

Pusto Fan Club

Image hosted by Photobucket.comDr. John Pustejovsky (Dr. Pusto for short) of the German Department (if there is one here) is my favorite professor I've ever had at Marquette (out of a dozen or so)(Yeah parentheses!). When I had a problem with getting a tested-out-of German class put onto my transcript, he helped me out. He taught me more German in one semester than I had learned in two years of high school. He is so cool he even has a page of the Marquette website in his honor. So needless to say, I have a lot of respect for him.

If it's even possible, I just gained more respect for him today. I walked into the Eucharistic chapel at the AMU and found him there, praying a rosary. Turns out he's not only a great teacher, an intelligent man, a nice guy and extremely helpful, but also a devout Catholic. I also hear that he's working on disarming Iran's nuclear program and single-handedly guarding every inch of our nation's borders. Those could just be rumors, but I'm not prepared to dismiss them without further investigation.